say goodbye to the double chin
Lipodissolve injections is approved injectable treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin.” With just a few injections, your double chin will melt away in a matter of weeks!

What is Lipodissolve?
Lipodissolve is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure that is designed to melt localized fat and improve cellulite. The treatment involves using injections that contain a body-safe, specially-formulated compound, identical to the substance produced in your body, which is a naturally occurring enzyme found in all of us that helps breakdown fat and absorb it. Lipodissolve can be injected to permanently dissolve fat cells. This is a great treatment option when you have stubborn fat that cannot be addressed through exercise and diet .
Typical Treatment areas
Double Chin
Genetics, diet, and age can all play in where we store fat. Unfortunately, the under chin area is one of the first places fat pockets begin to form giving us a “double chin” look. Lipodissolve is the perfect treatment to dissolve these fat pockets with a few treatments over the course of a few months.
Sometimes diet and aren’t enough to dissolve stubborn fat pockets. Treatment areas are bra line, under arm, and under chin area.
A minimally invasive approach to permanently removes fat cells.